Countering Online And Offline Poker Cheats

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Poker is a great game that generally lets a balance of luck and skills determine the winner. In short games of poker, luck can very well deal you with very good hands that will let you win no matter what. In long games of poker though, your skills would determine whether you lose or win.

Poker, however, breeds a different breed of winners. Lucky and skilled winners have no chance of winning against a proficient poker cheat. This is true whether the poker game occurs online or offline. Beware of the cheating methods employed in both online and offline poker so that you can ensure the game is going fairly and you are not losing your hard earned money unfairly.

Online Poker Cheating

If you are fond of online poker, you have to be aware that you are playing at the risk of being cheated by the casino or by other online poker players. These things can easily be found on Internet Casino.

The online casino can cheat you by not letting you withdraw your winnings. Before you pick your online casino, make sure that the terms and conditions expressly state that you can withdraw your winnings. Also make sure that the casino has online chat support or 24-hour customer service in case you have complaints or problems. Make sure to try calling customer service even if you have no problem with the casino as of yet.

The other online poker players can also cheat you by colluding with each other against you. Your online opponents can actually be instant messaging each other to share information. In such a scenario, your chance of winning is significantly reduced because your opponents are privy to information that could very well decide the game. In this case, there’s not much you can do but try to request being moved to another table. You can also try to play in online multi-table tournaments where the players have no way of influencing which table he or she gets assigned to so unscrupulous individuals have no way to collude against you.

Offline Poker Cheating

Offline, there’s even more opportunity for cheating at poker. Fake shuffles and cuts are just some of these ways. The only way you can counter this is by keenly watching the shuffling and cutting, or by insisting that you do them yourself.

Another poker cheating technique is marking the cards. This is done through inking, crimping, and denting. A player can bring his own set of cards marked with invisible ink that only he can see with his special sunglasses. Sometimes, a player can also leave a tiny crease at the corner of certain cards. Finally, a poker player can leave a dent on a card to prevent it from lying flat on the table later on. All these marking techniques are used by a poker cheat to mark special cards that he wishes identified to aid him in his decisions throughout the game. This knowledge gives him an edge over other players. To counter this form of cheating, you can make use of a new pack of cards for every hand. This is expensive though, so all you can do is remain vigilant of uncommonly lucky players.


When everything is turning online and digital then why not the gambling industry. Every sector needs to be developed to match steps with the world. One could only survive in this fast-running world only when they keep on updating and upgrading themselves with the world. Development is necessary and not a negative thing to happen, it should be done.